A Year in the Life of Wells Christmas Tree Farm

A Year in the Life of Wells Christmas Tree Farm

At Wells Christmas Tree Farm, the magic of Christmas is a year-round labor of love. From planting seedlings in February to unloading semi-trucks of trees in November, every season brings its own challenges and joys. As we prepare for our busiest time of year, we’re reminded of the hard work, community spirit, and passion that make the farm a place where holiday traditions are born. This year, we’re especially excited about a major surprise improvement coming in January—stay tuned for updates!

The Wells Family: A Legacy of Community and Christmas Spirit

The Wells Family: A Legacy of Community and Christmas Spirit

At Wells Christmas Tree Farm, we believe that Christmas isn’t just about finding the perfect tree...
Our Inspiration

Our Inspiration

Our journey began in 2001 as a couple, and in 2005, our son brought us the joy of parenthood. By 2013, we acquired land, and in 2014, our dream home was built. That first Christmas in our new home sparked the idea for our farm. Visiting a local tree farm awakened our love for the holiday spirit, and we knew we wanted to bring that magic to others. By 2015, we were learning the ropes and fully committed to creating a space for families to make lasting Christmas memories.

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